In this post we are going to analyse some of the main statistical details of my Solar Tilting Trike STT2 during the Sun Trip Tour in july 2019.
Here below are the main data I was able to collect:

First of all few general comments to help to understand these numbers:
- From 30/6 till 3/7 it was the trip from home to Le Puy en Velay (557km): the actual Sun Trip started on the 6/7 till 20/7 (1389km)
- “dénivelé” (altitude gain) it was 4589m. in the first 4 days: in the ST it was 20286m (total = 24875m)
- “Solar Charge” in Wh was the production from my solar panels: here we can see actual data recorded daily from my Cycle Analyst
- “Wh Cycle Analyst” represents the ACTUAL energy consumption on a daily basis
- “Wh/km” is an indicator of efficiency and it is calculated on the Cycle Analyst: here we can see the LOWEST (best) of 4,1Wh/km on the 11/7 (due to cloudy weather…)
- “Net Wh/Km” tells if we used more energy than we produced (>0) or we produced more energy than we actually used (<0): in my case it was very often negative.
- “A. Max” indicates the max current actually used in a given day. The highest value (10 A on 30/6 and 9/7) was not so high due to a limitation on my eZee motor to avoid overheating.
- “Solar Max Wp” this was the (instantaneous) max solar power displayed on the Cycle Analyst on a given date: I have seen 341Wp on 12/7 ( 12% more than my solar panels nominal power of 300W: this is extremely variable depending on the actual temperature).
In the graph below we are going to compare: Wh/km, Solar Charge produced (Wh) , Consumption (Wh), Nominal power from my panels ( W, “Watt crète”)

We can clearly see that:
- only on two days (1/7 and 16/7) the actual CONSUMPTION was higher than the energy PRODUCED
- The maximum value of daily charge was 1455 Wh on 10/7. For sure if I had CONSUMED more I would have been able to PRODUCE more energy…
- This corresponds to 1455/300= 4,85: this is very useful to compare nominal power to actual energy produced.
- Highest consumption per Km was on 14/7 (1030Wh/100km)