So I was able to test the gearbox: unfortunately after few tentatives the chain dropped out several times…
I checked the reason: the EFNEO standard ring (38 teeth) was poorly finished, the teeth having a ‘square’ shape that was not pulling correctly the chain.
So I had to replace the ring with a new one: after that I had no other problems.
Hello Daniele,
GREAT WORK, by gosh. what a beauty!
Concerning the stiffness of the bottom: Have you ever thought about the use of Aramid Honeycomb?
Outer layers on both sides of a honecomb kernel layer may made by Carbon or by Glass.
The gain in weight and stiffness by using a non-compact kernel layer is very high.
I’m using such material to make boat parts and row blades as well:
Just an idea …
All the best,and have a great time,
Bonjour Danielle, encore un travail incroyable, félicitation. Vivement des essais chiffrés comme vous savez les faire. En visionnent la vidéo, je me posais la question, pouvez-vous atteindre le même angle d’inclinaison avec le carénage ? Salutations
Bonjour Fernand,
merci pour votre appreciation, ça fait vraiment plaisir!
Je vais publier prochainement un nouvel article avec une synthèse de ces tests aussi pour montrer les angles d’inclinaison de l’AeroTilt..
à bientôt
Dear Danile
thank you for this information.
For thin, stiff sheets of some size I’m using Aramid honeyomb material plated with a thin layer of woven glass or carbone on both sides.
The plating is glued on the Aramid plate by rolling it with epoxy till competely soaked on a flat surface before putting it onto the Aramid honeycomb.
I used this e.g. for blades of lightweight rowing oars. Works very well, and is lightweight too.
More can be found here and here
Congrats, Daniele !
The fairing looks truely amazing !! Looking forward to the electrified version, and some field testing.
Thanks Damien! A lot of work but the result pays off!